We all know that it can be difficult to find suitable birthday gifts for family and friends , but if you have a partner or close friend who was born in 1943 here`s a fabulous gift idea (and card) that they will simply love and treasure.
The gift firstly is a 1943 year greeting card (shown in video) that is eight inches high by five and a half inches wide. The card has colourful iconic images from 1943 on the cover and in particular the image of Winston Churchill stands out. Inside the card one side is covered with an array of interesting facts from 1943 whilst the other is blank for you to write a birthday message. The card has another fold and this holds a 1943 DVD film which runs for approx sixty minutes and contains rare news footage from the vaults of some of the world`s leading news organisations.
More details about this gift idea can be obtained from these sources
1943 DVD Gift Card
1943 Video on Youtube
1943 Video on Flickr
See also: 1943 DVD and Chart Hits CD Package